Thursday, April 12, 2012

The eye of the storm

It's been a tennis match week. Prep, prepare, get ready, and swing - only to have the ball volleyed back my direction full force. Whip around, give it another go, fall down.

Yes, it's been that week. But, in my quick breaks between challenging events, I've found some sweet, sweet gifts.

Shall I share??

This is my Zoe-licious, and holding her snuggly little self against me makes even sputtering (dying) cars easier to deal with.

Totally have to brag on these ladies - this was a genius idea! Stepping inside (off that broken potholey section of awful service road) is like stepping into pink cupcake heaven. The whole atmosphere is light, and relaxing (loving the vintage looking tables) and the coffee is by far the best cup you can get in town (that doesn't have to be syrupped and blended to death to be drinkable). And I love knowing, that on any given stressful day, I can stop in and get Paul and I dinner for about 12 bucks that won't make my tummy hurt!

Just got this book (I bargained for it when Paul wanted to buy the Mission Impossible Box set) - I think it will be my refuge this weekend.

Oregano-Lemon Chicken Recipe

Lemon Oregano Chicken. No stress, no hassle, so good. Click here for the recipe.

This guy makes my heart soar. He loves me, and challenges me, and is willing to work on translating our two lives, and cultures, and wounds, and personalities into one beautiful image of Christ and His church, with me. My life is fuller, richer, sweeter, and honestly more zany because of his presence in it. And I wouldn't trade it for anything.

What are you thankful for this week?

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