Friday, July 6, 2012

An ode to blue

Whole foods are important. Recognizing, and being able to pronounce the ingredients in the foods we buy at the store is important. 
But sometimes, indulgence is important.
So today, I am eating left over, reduced-for-quick-sale, Walmart bakery cupcakes with blue frosting. Blue dye-42 is an ingredient that I can pronounce, and more or less recognize. (Don't tell my mom.)
Did I mention that it is 150 degrees here? Someone set a thick, wet blanket over the cornfields of Indiana, and we're all swealtering. From the time I put my cupcakes in the car, and drove the less than ten minutes home from Walmart, my frosting had melted. It's that hot. It's frosting-melting-hot.
On a happier note: I re-entered Aldis today. Pre-surgery, I only had energy for one activity per day. If that activity was grocery shopping, I only went to one store, when I knew it would be at its emptiest, and I took a buddy. There was no shopping around, no store hopping. So I got to know Owens really well - and I made that work for our budget. But now that I'm feeling better, and happened to be at the mercy of Maribeth (who was driving me around today while I ignored the flat on my car), I went to Aldis. 
How did I forget how cheap their groceries were? Now not all groceries are created equal, but they had very happy looking blueberries and bing cherries today - for next to nothing! I got a quart of blueberries and a half pound of cherries for $3.80. (In case you wondered, they are very happily washed, and sitting in a nice, fruit tupperware in my fridge, still looking happy and cheerful.)
I have been beating this heat with fruit (and cupcakes). I seriously don't ever remember enjoying blueberries this much. Maybe you have to be sweating to death to enjoy them. So, I have the dry ingredients for muffins all mixed up, and tomorrow morning, after enjoying my lazy Saturday sleep-in, all I have to do is add my blueberries and egg, and voila! Breakfast! I seriously cannot wait. 
What are you doing to beat the heat this week?  

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